
A question for our American counterparts…

Why do you stay? No seriously. Why do you stay? You have a country which, at a minimum, reflects anti work values twice as much right next to you (Canada). You can travel Visa free to some of the best countries in the world cheaply (

Why do you stay?

No seriously.

Why do you stay?

You have a country which, at a minimum, reflects anti work values twice as much right next to you (Canada).

You can travel Visa free to some of the best countries in the world cheaply (<$1000 USD) like Germany, New Zealand, Austria, the list is actually quite long. Some countries even pay you to come.

Yet, you stay.

I don't get it. I really don't.

Being in Sports admin, we effectively try to capitalize off irrational behaviors (Like Fans loving teams winning or losing).

I like capitalism as a construct (Being rewarded for solving problems faced by society and thus, making our lives easier/more advanced).

But you guys put your livelihood on the line for people who are effectively oligarchs. That type of irrationality is something that not even nationalism associates with.

I'm ashamed of my own country (Australia). We're now known internationally as asylum seeker torturers among other things.

But at least I'm not American.

So once again – Why do you stay?

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