
Why are recruiters not doing their job?

So I recently applied to Sitel as a WFH agent. Was looking to supplement my income and work 2 full time jobs. I used to work for Sitel in another state, pre COVID. Did okay there, despite the fact that I am extremely hard of hearing. I went through the entire process, starting with speaking with a recruiter, who sent me a contingent offer letter that I signed. I ended up signing 3 offer letters. During the whole routine of what I needed to do, the recruiter mentioned something that, needless to say I could've misunderstood given my hearing issues. The recruiter said, “There is a background check and a drug test that you have to do. We do not test for THC.” Let me repeat that one more time: “We do not test for THC.” Imagine my delight when I heard this, and then later instant regret for not…

So I recently applied to Sitel as a WFH agent. Was looking to supplement my income and work 2 full time jobs. I used to work for Sitel in another state, pre COVID. Did okay there, despite the fact that I am extremely hard of hearing.

I went through the entire process, starting with speaking with a recruiter, who sent me a contingent offer letter that I signed. I ended up signing 3 offer letters. During the whole routine of what I needed to do, the recruiter mentioned something that, needless to say I could've misunderstood given my hearing issues. The recruiter said, “There is a background check and a drug test that you have to do. We do not test for THC.”

Let me repeat that one more time: “We do not test for THC.”

Imagine my delight when I heard this, and then later instant regret for not confirming/clarifying what the recruiter said.

No, I do not partake, however my SO does due to the fact that she is suffering from RA, an auto-immune disease designed to kill you slowly and over time. Because of this, I generally am around her enough to where I'll end up getting second hand smoke and sometimes get the effects of being “high” as people call it. She needs this to keep her pain levels down as much as possible. She has chosen to avoid other pain related pills, as her worry is that she may become addicted. I'm 100% on her side with this.

A little backstory: a while back in a different state, I did partake, with friends. But that was a time ago.

After I completed all of my paperwork and everything, I went to do my test. I informed the collector that they may find trace amounts of THC in my system. I told them that I have already informed the recruiters.

After what felt like weeks, I finally get an email that says they are no longer moving forward with me. At this point, I'm pretty heated and aggravated. While I'm generally a very calm person, this kind of response makes it difficult for me in general. So I did what any other person would do, and I reached out to inquire if I still have an opportunity. I got met with continued silence until yesterday, when I got a text stating that they needed me to call the medical facility. I had already done so, told them to release my results, but I'm still not getting answers.

Should I be worried?

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