
My parent’s manager is making them take a mandatory leave and they suspect they will be laid off soon

FYI: We live in Saskatchewan, Canada I’m posting this on behalf of my parents because I want advice on how to help them. They are both accountants in the same company so I’ve overheard several discussions they’ve had about work. About two years ago they got a new manager who’s been a pain in everyone’s ass (a lot of people already left, my parents have looked to leave too but they want to find another work first) and now they seem to be cutting costs. My parents are hard workers so they have a lot of paid-leave days that accumulated over the years. Yesterday I overheard them complaining that their manager is making my mom take a mandatory leave and my dad is expecting to be told the same soon. Today their friendly coworker warned them that they might have to “start looking for alternatives” in case they are let…

FYI: We live in Saskatchewan, Canada

I’m posting this on behalf of my parents because I want advice on how to help them. They are both accountants in the same company so I’ve overheard several discussions they’ve had about work. About two years ago they got a new manager who’s been a pain in everyone’s ass (a lot of people already left, my parents have looked to leave too but they want to find another work first) and now they seem to be cutting costs.

My parents are hard workers so they have a lot of paid-leave days that accumulated over the years. Yesterday I overheard them complaining that their manager is making my mom take a mandatory leave and my dad is expecting to be told the same soon. Today their friendly coworker warned them that they might have to “start looking for alternatives” in case they are let go.

They suspect that the manager is making them use up their paid-leaves now so that he doesn’t have to pay them more if he lays them off. Right now my mom is being made to spend the rest of the week off and then use up her paid-leaves once a week for the following days. To me it’s obvious how unfair this is and I want to know if what he’s doing is illegal. I’ve heard stories of shady things the manager has done previously.

As I mentioned, my parents have already been searching for another job at a bigger city ever since the management change, but because of their older age it’s been difficult.

I want to help in anyway but I need advice.

Are they being treated unfairly? Can they report this to someone? Should we do something? Can we? What?

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