I work for a large company, and I recently had my review, for which my position got a salary adjustment and I got a sizable raise.
At my meeting with leadership I had mentioned that I had heard the new salary number floating around from some of my team members. I was asked who from – to which I stated that I did not want to provide any names. After that I was told that it is extremely unprofessional and rude to discuss wages with coworkers. My supervisor pretty much hurried off of the call and hung up – I thanked him for his time and he said nothing. He was clearly pissed off.
I’m honestly worried about retaliation. I know it’s illegal, but I could see them making up some other reason to fire me or something. My sup did reach out via chat to apologize for storming off, but he reiterated that even though it may be “illegal” (he put it in quotations) for him to mention this, it is still extremely unprofessional for me to discuss that and to admit it to my boss. I at least have a paper trail now.
Other than collect screenshots, what do I do?