
Apartment burned & manager said we’re short staffed.

throwaway. So recently my apartment building got burned down due to some shortcircuit, fire started at 3 AM with the loud blast & everyone was sleeping at that time, took whole family and ran outside along with all the neighbors. Then, went to hotel for a room but everything was booked due to some ongoing event in the city (god knows what). took me 3 hours to find a room, bought breakfast for the family and there were 7 missed calls from work. Called back & told them that my house is burned down & I cant come to work for few days, manager said he'll get back to me after discussing with HR. I was calm thinking that at least my work is supportive but shit went down to drain when they said you can rest today but you'd have to come for work tomorrow as we are short…


So recently my apartment building got burned down due to some shortcircuit, fire started at 3 AM with the loud blast & everyone was sleeping at that time, took whole family and ran outside along with all the neighbors.

Then, went to hotel for a room but everything was booked due to some ongoing event in the city (god knows what). took me 3 hours to find a room, bought breakfast for the family and there were 7 missed calls from work.

Called back & told them that my house is burned down & I cant come to work for few days, manager said he'll get back to me after discussing with HR. I was calm thinking that at least my work is supportive but shit went down to drain when they said you can rest today but you'd have to come for work tomorrow as we are short staffed.

Worked my assoff for 3 years without any missed day & now that I'm going through a tough time they're giving me 1 day off.

Now I got no home, no clothes, no personal equipment except a phone & 10k in savings.

TL;DR house burned down but asked to work since they're short staffed.

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