
How to ask for a raise at my job?

Hi, I’ve been working at my current job for a little over 4 years now and I’ve been wanting to ask for a significant raise recently. At my job, we get a quarter raise every three months/ one dollar a year until you reach top out pay. I know I should be thankful for what I get, since it’s better than most, but I work 40 hours a week and I still live paycheck to paycheck 🙁 I guess I was hoping to see what advice I could get, I’m going to talk to my head boss about it tomorrow if I can. I know I need to possibly speak to HR as well, but I feel that they are just going to say no because “I already get a raise already”. (Also, if it matters, I am an hourly employee as well) Thank you!! If you have any questions,…

Hi, I’ve been working at my current job for a little over 4 years now and I’ve been wanting to ask for a significant raise recently. At my job, we get a quarter raise every three months/ one dollar a year until you reach top out pay. I know I should be thankful for what I get, since it’s better than most, but I work 40 hours a week and I still live paycheck to paycheck 🙁

I guess I was hoping to see what advice I could get, I’m going to talk to my head boss about it tomorrow if I can. I know I need to possibly speak to HR as well, but I feel that they are just going to say no because “I already get a raise already”. (Also, if it matters, I am an hourly employee as well) Thank you!! If you have any questions, then please feel free to ask!!

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