
They are paying me less than discussed in my annual review. What can I do?

Apologies for formatting, I am on my phone and it's 10:30 pm where I am. I'm an Australian living in south east Queensland. The company I work for is notorious for paying fuck all for employees with very high qualifications (I'm talking people with masters degrees make less than I do). In my first ever annual review with them we discussed a set price for my salary for the coming year. I didn't like it as it was much lower than I asked for but I was planning on quitting soon, after christmas anyway. But I just got a letter from the company director informing me of my new salary. It's even lower than we discussed. I emailed back straight away saying this had to have been a mistake but I was told that basically “after reviewing the budgets, we're only going to pay you (~ $3000 less)”. I know…

Apologies for formatting, I am on my phone and it's 10:30 pm where I am.

I'm an Australian living in south east Queensland. The company I work for is notorious for paying fuck all for employees with very high qualifications (I'm talking people with masters degrees make less than I do).

In my first ever annual review with them we discussed a set price for my salary for the coming year. I didn't like it as it was much lower than I asked for but I was planning on quitting soon, after christmas anyway.

But I just got a letter from the company director informing me of my new salary. It's even lower than we discussed. I emailed back straight away saying this had to have been a mistake but I was told that basically “after reviewing the budgets, we're only going to pay you (~ $3000 less)”. I know for a fact that that answer is bullshit, they absolutely do have it in the budgets to pay me more.

Is there anything I can actually do here? Unfortunately I didn't get it in writing but I technically never agreed to my new salary either (verbally or written). Can I report them to anyone for this, it's basically a poverty wage? I can't quit untill Christmas by the earliest due to personal reasons.

What should I do?

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