
Desperate to leave the daily grind

I've been working for the last 20 years . Usually very hard mentally and physically . I sweat , my brain hurts I get tottaly drained. Recently the 9-5 daily grind making other people money so I can live has started making me very unhappy . I just left one job last month for what I thought was a easier ride for better money . It's getting to the point where I'm depressed and almost breaking down in tears because this isn't the life I want . I get so e people enjoy working that's great . I know that we have to do something if we're physically able to earn I living but I want to enjoy my life now and doing what I am and have been doing is just making me misurable . I don't really know why I came here and made this post but I…

I've been working for the last 20 years . Usually very hard mentally and physically . I sweat , my brain hurts I get tottaly drained.

Recently the 9-5 daily grind making other people money so I can live has started making me very unhappy . I just left one job last month for what I thought was a easier ride for better money .
It's getting to the point where I'm depressed and almost breaking down in tears because this isn't the life I want .
I get so e people enjoy working that's great . I know that we have to do something if we're physically able to earn I living but I want to enjoy my life now and doing what I am and have been doing is just making me misurable .

I don't really know why I came here and made this post but I guess partly I was hoping like a deluded child or something that someone here might have thematic answer or some idea to give me so that I can finally do something that makes me happy or retire early and still live a decent happy life .

Anyone ?

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