
Get that bread

Hello, I read this thread a lot and I see a lot of people having to deal with the bullshit that is American capitalism. I thought I’d offer a perspective. If you are not trying to pursue some immense passion and just want to work to live and not live to work do anything and everything you can to get into tech. The remote work offers so much free time. They pay well. The managers are nice. They are always hiring. And you get paid. I get not everyone wants to work remote but even in an office tech companies are a thousand times better than regular soul sucking corporate America. I make 100k a year and barely work 15 hours a week. My girlfriend was a fashion major from FSU. Couldn’t find a job. Went back to ASU tried travel and tourism Covid hit. She was screwed. Pushed her…


I read this thread a lot and I see a lot of people having to deal with the bullshit that is American capitalism. I thought I’d offer a perspective.

If you are not trying to pursue some immense passion and just want to work to live and not live to work do anything and everything you can to get into tech. The remote work offers so much free time. They pay well. The managers are nice. They are always hiring. And you get paid. I get not everyone wants to work remote but even in an office tech companies are a thousand times better than regular soul sucking corporate America. I make 100k a year and barely work 15 hours a week. My girlfriend was a fashion major from FSU. Couldn’t find a job. Went back to ASU tried travel and tourism Covid hit. She was screwed. Pushed her to tech. First job 45k great benefits. She barely worked for a whole year. Got laid off, took her one month to find another tech job offer 75k. Now she’s in the system there’s always jobs available she will never have to worry about finding a job again.

Any job is fine for your first tech job just get in than your change jobs at your hearts desire until you make bank. Fuck this imposter syndrome bullshit. Lie in your interviews. Get hired get paid. I will help anyone here just message me. I know tons of people in tech. We’ll spruce up your resume get you referred in and get you some fucking jobs so you can have a happy life. Money does buy happiness they’ve been lying to you the whole time.

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