
All staff left because the owners refused a pay raise.

We'll call the owners Rat and Turtle since that is what they sort of looked like. Rat and Turtle are cousins that own 2 locations of the same fitness franchise. One in the city, the other in the suburbs. I (18F) got a job at the suburb location. My coworkers and I made the most sales when we first started. Considered the “dream team” raking in money (~40k per month) for these guys. We had this horrible fitness challenge that stole $500 out of people's pockets, $200 cancellation fees, and ridiculously priced memberships that never went back into the business, just into Rat and Turtle's pockets. Now that's not just “oh we don't have enough merchandise!” That is “this is the 3rd fly infestation problem we have had this month”. It was bad. We became short staffed. The manager (whom was a sweetheart and tried her best to defend us…

We'll call the owners Rat and Turtle since that is what they sort of looked like. Rat and Turtle are cousins that own 2 locations of the same fitness franchise. One in the city, the other in the suburbs. I (18F) got a job at the suburb location.

My coworkers and I made the most sales when we first started. Considered the “dream team” raking in money (~40k per month) for these guys. We had this horrible fitness challenge that stole $500 out of people's pockets, $200 cancellation fees, and ridiculously priced memberships that never went back into the business, just into Rat and Turtle's pockets. Now that's not just “oh we don't have enough merchandise!” That is “this is the 3rd fly infestation problem we have had this month”. It was bad.

We became short staffed. The manager (whom was a sweetheart and tried her best to defend us from Rat and Turtle) was working long hours and doing work the owners should have been doing. Things like replacing equipment, fixing our bug infestation, and even fixing our internet issues. Her last straw was when the sewers backed up into our bathrooms, and demoted herself back down to a trainer. We were down to 3 trainers and no manager, so we were all working 40 hour work weeks while being part time. We became exhausted and resented the owners more and more everyday.

“Big news! The owners want your feedback!”
We had a plan to meet with them as a group and demand a pay raise. They figured that out, so they refused, and forced us to meet individually. We had the same script, pretty much. More pay, cancel the dreaful fitness challenge, fix the studio, or else.
They refused all of this. Claimed an extra $2/h was far too much. So my coworkers and I spent some time talking (about a week).

What were Rat and Turtle doing that week?
Taking their city location on a vacation on their yacht.

So we left. My coworker first, myself second, ex manager last (they practically begged her to stay).

It's been about 8 months, and they just posted on facebook that they are going out of businesss at that location. I'm unbelievably happy that those owners faced the consequences of their own actions. It really makes me want to ask them if it was worth it.

TL;DR- Coworkers and I are treated like crap, so we demand a pay raise from the owners. They say no, it's too pricey to do that. They then take the other location they own on a vacation to their yacht. We left one by one and the franchise location is now out of business. SUCCESS!

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