
Fake Reference Services?

So for basically the majority of my professional career I've given references for friends and co-workers who couldn't get a good one, regardless of my position. It started when the company I worked for refused to do anything but confirm or deny that the person was eligible for rehire, and we (the supervisors) were specifically told that we cannot give employment references. One of my former employees called me and said they wouldn't be able to get this job without an actual reference, so I said fuck it and told them to put me down because they were in fact awesome. After that I just started doing it all the time for anyone I knew was not a POS or fired for a ligit reason. I've pretended to be so many bosses and made sure all my staff knew when I left that they could use me for a reference…

So for basically the majority of my professional career I've given references for friends and co-workers who couldn't get a good one, regardless of my position. It started when the company I worked for refused to do anything but confirm or deny that the person was eligible for rehire, and we (the supervisors) were specifically told that we cannot give employment references.

One of my former employees called me and said they wouldn't be able to get this job without an actual reference, so I said fuck it and told them to put me down because they were in fact awesome.

After that I just started doing it all the time for anyone I knew was not a POS or fired for a ligit reason. I've pretended to be so many bosses and made sure all my staff knew when I left that they could use me for a reference regardless (I had a great crew).

After seeing all the shit show firings on here, I've been playing with the idea of trying to set up something so that people who are the victims of crap bosses can still get jobs and don't get screwed because they pissed off there old boss and can't put the last 5 years on their resume for fear of a bad reference.

The problem I keep running into is how do I do this in a way that helps the people that need it while not helping shitty/toxic/abusive/etc. Employees from also escaping the conciquences of their own actions…


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