
Thought I was getting fired

This is kind of long, so sorry about that. I work as a scheduler for a medical office. I try to be as diligent of an employee as possible and jump through all the hoops we have to, most importantly because I am a new father and can’t afford to not work (bummer). I receive 2 scathing emails from my boss on Tuesday, right before the end of the day, accusing me of severe misconduct and “work avoidance” (staying logged out of our phone queues too long). I knew this was bullshit, I never do these kind of things. I email my boss back explaining my situation and have proof to back up I did not do these things. She says we will meet Friday morning and discuss. I just got a call from her about 20 minutes ago, and she states she “got bad information, and that is where…

This is kind of long, so sorry about that. I work as a scheduler for a medical office. I try to be as diligent of an employee as possible and jump through all the hoops we have to, most importantly because I am a new father and can’t afford to not work (bummer). I receive 2 scathing emails from my boss on Tuesday, right before the end of the day, accusing me of severe misconduct and “work avoidance” (staying logged out of our phone queues too long). I knew this was bullshit, I never do these kind of things. I email my boss back explaining my situation and have proof to back up I did not do these things. She says we will meet Friday morning and discuss. I just got a call from her about 20 minutes ago, and she states she “got bad information, and that is where the emails came from”. So I have been thinking I won’t be having a job to come back to for 2 whole days, worried I won’t be able to feed my family, simply because my boss can’t do her due diligence when someone implies their employees are doing something wrong. I’ve never posted here before but I thought I would share

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