
well I certainly found out where I DON’T want to work.

So I've been job hunting for a little bit and finally got back an email setting up a job interview. The email mentioned that if I couldn't make the assigned time then I should email them at least 3 hours before the interview so they could reschedule or they'd consider me uninterested in the job. I've not seen this before but I've not had too many interviews so I'm not sure if it's normal or not. I log into the zoom call for the interview and I'm joined by 2 people, I'm assuming these two are going to be the ones doing the interview so I introduce myself and they do the same and eventually one of them offers to send their resume to the chat, turns out the two of them aren't the interviewers but they're being interviewed like me and this is suppose to be some sort of…

So I've been job hunting for a little bit and finally got back an email setting up a job interview. The email mentioned that if I couldn't make the assigned time then I should email them at least 3 hours before the interview so they could reschedule or they'd consider me uninterested in the job. I've not seen this before but I've not had too many interviews so I'm not sure if it's normal or not.

I log into the zoom call for the interview and I'm joined by 2 people, I'm assuming these two are going to be the ones doing the interview so I introduce myself and they do the same and eventually one of them offers to send their resume to the chat, turns out the two of them aren't the interviewers but they're being interviewed like me and this is suppose to be some sort of group interview.

so we talked amongst ourselves and eventually it's 10 minutes past the time when the interview should have started and the person who is suppose to interview us hasn't shown up. So I'm trying to be optimistic and I suggest we stay in the call and wait for an hour, cause it's always possible there might be some timing mishap, and if not we can send them an email to see what's going on, the other two agree so I set a timer and we continue to talk to each other.

59 minutes later we're talking about drafting an email to them cause my timer is about to go off when someone with their camera turned off joined and writes in chat “So sorry guys! Something came up and unfortunately I'm not able to conduct the interview today, but if you're still interested I'll email all of you a link to set up another interview sometime next week!”

I barely got enough time to read that message before the zoom meeting was abruptly ended. That was yesterday.

Today I got an email from them again apologizing for not being able to conduct the interview and instead of asking for my availability or anything like that they've just sent a zoom link and an appointment time they expect me to show up to it by.

I think I might take my potential employment elsewhere.

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