
minimum effort movement

Think we need a minimum wage minimum effort movement. I know most can't give up their jobs or strike or walk out but we can do the bare minimum while we're on the clock. No extra efforts, no extra hours, no doing things you're not being compensated for. Companies want to give us the bare minimum as far as pay and benefits? Well let's give em what they pay for. Stop breaking yourself for companies. They want extra effort, we want extra pay. Time to stop acting like our jobs is our reason for living.

Think we need a minimum wage minimum effort movement. I know most can't give up their jobs or strike or walk out but we can do the bare minimum while we're on the clock.

No extra efforts, no extra hours, no doing things you're not being compensated for.

Companies want to give us the bare minimum as far as pay and benefits? Well let's give em what they pay for.
Stop breaking yourself for companies. They want extra effort, we want extra pay.

Time to stop acting like our jobs is our reason for living.

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