
getting a job with ADHD

I don't know how well this fits in this sub, so sorry if not. In the last year, i have applied for around 30 jobs, and gotten one of them. Either they contact me after and tell me they cannot take someone like me in, as ADHD can make the workplace “very toxic and unprofessional for thw other workers”. Companies won't take me in because of my adhd, and i think it's extremely unethical. So i got to this one company, i was there for a week and then resigned. My manager was toxic and kept telling me how my attitude is bad and disrespecting, even when i respect the other workers. Most co-workers liked me, but the environment was bad because of this guy who kept calling out slurs everytime i walk by. The next time you say people with adhd have it easy, think about this again thanks.

I don't know how well this fits in this sub, so sorry if not.
In the last year, i have applied for around 30 jobs, and gotten one of them.
Either they contact me after and tell me they cannot take someone like me in, as ADHD can make the workplace “very toxic and unprofessional for thw other workers”.

Companies won't take me in because of my adhd, and i think it's extremely unethical.

So i got to this one company, i was there for a week and then resigned. My manager was toxic and kept telling me how my attitude is bad and disrespecting, even when i respect the other workers. Most co-workers liked me, but the environment was bad because of this guy who kept calling out slurs everytime i walk by.

The next time you say people with adhd have it easy, think about this again thanks.

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