
Job hunting vent

I'm so fucking tired of the job market right now. I don't know what to do and I'm so stressed out. I've been working as a delivery driver for a few years and I've reached the point of maximum burnout. There's only so many times I can haul a couch up 3 flights of steps and move heavy package upon heavy package everyday. I don't want to need knee surgery by the time I'm 30. I've been trying to look for employment elsewhere before leaving, but I've reached the point I can't keep going, I dread coming to work everyday. Looking for jobs has been so discouraging. Going on indeed to see the same jobs and company's posting for positions that pay very little/not enough to get by on, the same jobs that have been posted for YEARS. I'm trying to network and talk to people out and about and…

I'm so fucking tired of the job market right now. I don't know what to do and I'm so stressed out. I've been working as a delivery driver for a few years and I've reached the point of maximum burnout. There's only so many times I can haul a couch up 3 flights of steps and move heavy package upon heavy package everyday. I don't want to need knee surgery by the time I'm 30. I've been trying to look for employment elsewhere before leaving, but I've reached the point I can't keep going, I dread coming to work everyday.

Looking for jobs has been so discouraging. Going on indeed to see the same jobs and company's posting for positions that pay very little/not enough to get by on, the same jobs that have been posted for YEARS. I'm trying to network and talk to people out and about and it's just not successful. Everything is “go online and fill out an application”

They tell me they're hiring and looking to fill spots, then I go online and the positions aren't there to apply to. Like I can't even submit an application to try to get these jobs, even though they told me to my face they are hiring. I keep running into this issue repeatedly. I'll even get ads online that someplace is hiring in my area and I look and there's nothing.

My fianceƩ went through 5 interviews in one week and got turned down immediately for all of them because of a couple of fucking facial piercings.

I'm over it, I'm so over it. I feel like there's no hope I can't keep making myself go through my current job with the physical and mental toll it takes.

I just needed to vent. It's hard out there right now.

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