
How much pay is disrespect worth

So some context: I am an assembly lead in a company that assembles different kinds of cables for various purposes. As a lead I make 20.90/h which is fine but seems like not enough with some of the stressors I end up putting up with. My work does not fire or even reprimand anyone easily. So, onward–> Last night, one of the employees on my assembly line said something really out of left field and I'm so confused. He messed something up so I was trying to explain how it was bad but encourage him that there were still aspects of what he did that were positive/correct. That we just need to work on the incorrect part and we'd be fine. When I mentioned that I know it can be frustrating and that he'd grown quiet so I was worried he was overwhelmed he snapped at me that “I'm just…

So some context: I am an assembly lead in a company that assembles different kinds of cables for various purposes. As a lead I make 20.90/h which is fine but seems like not enough with some of the stressors I end up putting up with. My work does not fire or even reprimand anyone easily.

So, onward–>

Last night, one of the employees on my assembly line said something really out of left field and I'm so confused. He messed something up so I was trying to explain how it was bad but encourage him that there were still aspects of what he did that were positive/correct. That we just need to work on the incorrect part and we'd be fine.

When I mentioned that I know it can be frustrating and that he'd grown quiet so I was worried he was overwhelmed he snapped at me that “I'm just fuckin tired of being treated this way” I asked treated what way by whom and he said “by you people! The people I work with! I'm about ready to quit!” And walked back to our area without saying anything else. I don't even know wtf he's on about… 🤷

He's a newer guy so I don't know if he was overwhelmed and latched onto something that was bothering him but didn't say anything? But like… What are you talking about man? That's so out of nowhere! And incredibly rude for that matter too.

I've been trying to figure out what I could have done wrong or done better… I was just so flabbergasted that at the time I just said “oh” about four octaves higher than I meant to out of shock. Eventually (the shift was ending in like 12 minutes) he left for the night and I stopped by my supervisor and explained what has happened and that I didn't see any signs that he was that upset. My supervisor said perhaps he was upset about what he'd messed up and we'd see how he bounces back.

If there was some perceived insult I just wish I knew what it was… I don't treat people differently on my line that I know of…. I mean if I did it was unintentional… I'm wondering if I wasn't coming off as patronizing by trying to encourage him as much as I was? I just know if it were me I'd want to be gently corrected and told I'm still doing something right so I don't have to feel like I'm a loser messing up everything I touch.

I guess I just wish I got paid more to deal with this stuff or that I didn't have to deal with being sworn at more than once. This is manufacturing so I'm not illusioned to think swearing is uncommon. I was just really shocked.

TL;DR: coworker I supervise got upset and went off, I don't feel like I get paid enough for this shit.

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