
Does anyone have knowledge on Short Term Disability?

For context, I had an accident and was out of work from 5/19-7/11. I received an automated text stated the claim was approved for 6/2-7/11 (2 week wait) and closed because I returned to work. There are no payments listed on the website and my claims manager is on vacation. Does this mean I will get paid for that time? I returned to work and resigned a week later. (They were working us 65 hours per week even with my doctor note limiting me to 40 hours. I start my new job 9/12)

For context, I had an accident and was out of work from 5/19-7/11.
I received an automated text stated the claim was approved for 6/2-7/11 (2 week wait) and closed because I returned to work. There are no payments listed on the website and my claims manager is on vacation.

Does this mean I will get paid for that time?

I returned to work and resigned a week later. (They were working us 65 hours per week even with my doctor note limiting me to 40 hours. I start my new job 9/12)

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