
A different strike

I'm a firm believer that shit needs to change. Costs are soaring beyond our reach and we have boots to our throats, but it isn't just the employers and companies to blame; I don't feel represented by my government anymore. We've all heard talk about the great resignation, strikes and planned walk-outs, but I don't believe that's feasible for the average American. We're already in debt, we can't afford to stop working, go hungry and homeless. So I offer a hypothetical. What if we stopped paying income tax to incite change? I know it's realistically tax fraud, but what if as many of us as possible claimed 9 and refused to file until we felt represented? Could the IRS realistically go after that many Americans? The government is ultimately what's allowing employers take advantage of us to such a degree. What's stopping us from having a new age Boston Tea…

I'm a firm believer that shit needs to change. Costs are soaring beyond our reach and we have boots to our throats, but it isn't just the employers and companies to blame; I don't feel represented by my government anymore. We've all heard talk about the great resignation, strikes and planned walk-outs, but I don't believe that's feasible for the average American. We're already in debt, we can't afford to stop working, go hungry and homeless.

So I offer a hypothetical. What if we stopped paying income tax to incite change? I know it's realistically tax fraud, but what if as many of us as possible claimed 9 and refused to file until we felt represented? Could the IRS realistically go after that many Americans? The government is ultimately what's allowing employers take advantage of us to such a degree. What's stopping us from having a new age Boston Tea Party?

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