
Saw a post about a 24 year old boss, my new team lead is 23 and the average age in my office is 38-44.

My new team lead is a 23 year old that just graduated college at the beginning of the summer. His dad is someone high up and he quickly became a supervisor overnight. This is the first real job that he has ever worked (his last job was a summer camp counselor) I work in a split office of Civil Engineers and a contracting department that works with the paid labor for the engineering projects. I’m apart of the contracting department that he oversees and he thinks that everyone is beneath him because he has a speciality engineering degree and none of the people that he oversees have an engineering degree. I’m his number two and he has told me multiple times that it’s my job to take on tasks that he doesn’t want or attend the meetings that are ‘boring’ for him. Within the second week, he tried to fire…

My new team lead is a 23 year old that just graduated college at the beginning of the summer. His dad is someone high up and he quickly became a supervisor overnight. This is the first real job that he has ever worked (his last job was a summer camp counselor)

I work in a split office of Civil Engineers and a contracting department that works with the paid labor for the engineering projects. I’m apart of the contracting department that he oversees and he thinks that everyone is beneath him because he has a speciality engineering degree and none of the people that he oversees have an engineering degree. I’m his number two and he has told me multiple times that it’s my job to take on tasks that he doesn’t want or attend the meetings that are ‘boring’ for him. Within the second week, he tried to fire someone that took a personal day and then asked to move into a corner office that was used as a private room in case you needed to answer a personal call.

Anyways, everything to him is about a college degree/ his experience. I think he’s stuck in the fraternity mindset, where you talk over people, yell, and act way bigger than you actually are. In a meeting, he interrupted an Exec. assistant (of 12 years in the same department) that since she did not have a degree in the subject then it wasn’t her place to bring an idea. I was embarrassed for her. She’s a retired Chief Master Sergeant in the Air Force and has led more people than he ever will and also has a Masters Degree. Our office used to be fun, now we all just come in and do our jobs and avoid leadership. Our kids and spouses used to show up and eat lunch with us, now he’s asked that families do not come to the office unless it’s an emergency.

We are all positive that his dad put him here to report back to him. It’s dumb. We are all slowly looking for new jobs or transfers and it makes me think of this quote:

People don’t leave bad jobs, they leave bad bosses and management.

Also, at what point should I tell him that I have two Master’s Degrees/ 90% of our office has one…

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