
I told my boss I wasn’t happy the way I had been treated and this was her reaction

So the past months I got a job in retail (a supervisor role), which is brand new to me. I have been unsupported, mistreated and verbally abused by younger members of staff inwhich one told me to “fuck off”. There was a time when my manager asked me to go get a younger member of staff (who is 17) as he was due off his break, I then asked to have a word with him in private to not take longer breaks as we need the staff to get the work done. The deputy manager (who is best friends with his mother) called me to the office the next day saying he was upset and didnt want to come into work because I was working that day. (She took a personal call and SHOUTED at me that the mother was unhappy and I shouldn't be talking to a child like…

So the past months I got a job in retail (a supervisor role), which is brand new to me. I have been unsupported, mistreated and verbally abused by younger members of staff inwhich one told me to “fuck off”. There was a time when my manager asked me to go get a younger member of staff (who is 17) as he was due off his break, I then asked to have a word with him in private to not take longer breaks as we need the staff to get the work done. The deputy manager (who is best friends with his mother) called me to the office the next day saying he was upset and didnt want to come into work because I was working that day. (She took a personal call and SHOUTED at me that the mother was unhappy and I shouldn't be talking to a child like that). I explained that this is the workplace and that I was polite and didnt mean to make him uncomfortable. (A lot of family favoritism between the deputy manager and her best friend)

The manager and deputy manager have been absolutley unsupportive and vile to me, looking at me like a piece of dirt, shouting at me, telling me I have done a shit job etc. So this past week I handed my notice in, I have had many snarky comments that I'm “finally doing a good job now that I'm leaving”.

Other staff members also picked up on the way I have been treated and how nasty they are and how bad the bullying is.

So today, half hour before I finished officialy, I gave 2 staff members who were very kind and supportive to me “thank you” cards, (in front of 5 other staff members) the deputy manager approached and I mentioned that I got the cards for them and I said “with everything I've had to put up with the past few months” the deputy manager responded “put up with what?” I said “the way that her and the manager have spoke to me within the past few months was disgusting.” She responded instantly “youre the one who is bullying little kids”, so she instantly tried to flip the situation and her voice got louder and louder. I said “ask your staff, you are the biggest bullies I have ever met” She continued “you're the bully go ask the staff” (copying my words.) She also said in anger “shut up and go home”, so I walked away and she hated it.

I'm glad I finally put my foot down.

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