
Teachers , shortages and the honest truth.

As many of you know we have a teacher shortage as in a lack of teachers who won’t work due to the pay and the bullshit they have been dealing with for years on end along with Covid. There are a lack of teachers and then teachers who WILL NOT work due to pay, being uncompensated and being over worked. As someone who has both parents who are teachers I have seen it all. Thankfully my state / county is on the nicer end to compared to many other states and counties in terms of benefits , pay , bonuses, and PTO. I have seen a handful of young teachers fresh out of college come in as teachers and counselors and after 2-3 years quit due to the pay and circumstances. In my state / county fresh out of school with a BA the pay is only 30-35k and with…

As many of you know we have a teacher shortage as in a lack of teachers who won’t work due to the pay and the bullshit they have been dealing with for years on end along with Covid. There are a lack of teachers and then teachers who WILL NOT work due to pay, being uncompensated and being over worked. As someone who has both parents who are teachers I have seen it all. Thankfully my state / county is on the nicer end to compared to many other states and counties in terms of benefits , pay , bonuses, and PTO. I have seen a handful of young teachers fresh out of college come in as teachers and counselors and after 2-3 years quit due to the pay and circumstances. In my state / county fresh out of school with a BA the pay is only 30-35k and with a masters around 40-42k. Every 5 years a teacher must complete 6 credits or (two college classes) to recertify there teaching license. The surd part about this all is that the teacher can choose ANY class to get these credits. The first thing that will happen with this shortage is as follows

  1. Increase starting salary
  2. Pay bonuses
  3. Double dipping ( this means that after a teacher retires they can come back and get their MAX pay that they received before retiring along with pension and even social security if they are above 62)

Many other countries such as China , Germany and Japan look at teachers in ways that U.S. Americans look at lawyers and doctors and this is hopefully the direction we are headed in.




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