
I’m about 99.9% sure I’m getting fired

So I started off reallly great at my new job, now it's 10 months later and I'm gonna get blown own. Every red flag is there, hyper critical reviews of my work, every single penny ante screw up is elevated and microscoped. In meetings the boss pulls up just short of belittling me, he does this in front of out side reps that don't work there so I can only imagine what they of me. I've been given a crazy workload that almost guarantees I'll screw stuff up. It's California so I guess they are afraid to just fire me,so instead it's like a case is steadily being built up against me. At first I said screw this they can't break me I'll handle anything they wanna throw at me, I think this attitdue was noticed and now I'm getting shit for stuff unrelated to my direct job duties, little…

So I started off reallly great at my new job, now it's 10 months later and I'm gonna get blown own. Every red flag is there, hyper critical reviews of my work, every single penny ante screw up is elevated and microscoped. In meetings the boss pulls up just short of belittling me, he does this in front of out side reps that don't work there so I can only imagine what they of me. I've been given a crazy workload that almost guarantees I'll screw stuff up. It's California so I guess they are afraid to just fire me,so instead it's like a case is steadily being built up against me. At first I said screw this they can't break me I'll handle anything they wanna throw at me, I think this attitdue was noticed and now I'm getting shit for stuff unrelated to my direct job duties, little attacks that are just short of being personal, smart ass remarks where somebody says something without actually saying it. I have one co worker who apparently hates my guts and is jealous of me and has been trying to take me down a peg since day 1 and another who thinks I'm a snitch or a rat or some kind of tattle tale, I have not said or done 1 signle thing for them to feel that way, I go out of my way NOT to get involved in bullshit, I have never told on anyone ever for anything, period. I keep my mouth shut, if it doesn't involve me I stay out of it. I try to suggest a solution to a problem and it gets taken as an accusation, I try to fix a mistake and get 20 minutes of someone telling me it wasn't their mistake instead of 10 minutes on how to solve the problem. Now the 2 guys who didn't much care for me to begin with are completely avoiding me. When I do interact with them they try to get me to do things against company policy and good sense. When these things get called out I'll be blamed, I have a very strong feeling some things that are absolutely not ok that are getting blamed on me, can't prove it so makes no difference. The boss is good buddies with 1 and the other is the teachers pet so if anything happens he will protect them 100%. I'm so fucking sick and tired of workplace politics, I just goto work and do my job the best I can. So now I'll get blown out and have to start all over. I'm old, probably much older than the average person on reddit, I tired of all of it, I thought hard work and minding my own business would get me thru but it doesn't. If this sounds like a whine then I guess it is, the world doesn't owe me a living, I always belivieved that. I don't know what the hell I'll do next for a job, it feels like ten tons of bricks on my shoulders, constant worry. Thanks for letting me purge, I thought I would feel better but I really don't, just depressed and tired.

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