
My job is a cult and I just got fired and lost new “freinds” because of it.

So I reacently started working, with thanks to a longtime friend whose a manager there, at a small locally owned resturant in the back of house. Literally washing dishes, and i didn't care about that at all. It kept me busy and I got paid decently for it. It was slightly less pay than my previous job, but they gave me hours so it made up for the almost $2 an hour cut i got. I got along with pretty much 98% of the kitchen and even was about to start a dnd group with 3 of the managers there, one of which being my friend, and the other being an older guy whos worked there pretty much since it opened almost a decade ago. People liked me, i wasnt trying to make them, but they did. I guess working in a tiny kitchen does that. And i mean tiny.…

So I reacently started working, with thanks to a longtime friend whose a manager there, at a small locally owned resturant in the back of house. Literally washing dishes, and i didn't care about that at all. It kept me busy and I got paid decently for it. It was slightly less pay than my previous job, but they gave me hours so it made up for the almost $2 an hour cut i got. I got along with pretty much 98% of the kitchen and even was about to start a dnd group with 3 of the managers there, one of which being my friend, and the other being an older guy whos worked there pretty much since it opened almost a decade ago. People liked me, i wasnt trying to make them, but they did. I guess working in a tiny kitchen does that. And i mean tiny. The line is literally 1.5 people wide and 4 stand down it pretty much staggered. This dish pit is pretty much a literal pit. Enough room for one person to operate the hose and dishwasher and put dishes up. Thats it. With the new insulation they added, the line it self is cooler, the dish pit? 10x worse. Humidity piles up and at the start of the shift where the sun is beating on the dish door, insane. About 100°f on a busy day for dish.

Now to the story. On Friday night I came in feeling like crap. As it progressed I felt my stomach churning and my legs felt weak constantly. I let my boss know and he says he will work on getting me out. 1.5 hours later he finally lets me go an hour before we close. I thank the guy who covered me and left. Wake up Saturday feeling ever worse. Text the boss letting him know and that I wouldnt be coming in. He responds saying that he cant run the kitchen with 5 people on a Saturday and that im royally fucking him and that theres others working whose been there since 8am. Note: Shifts are 8-4 4-10/11 depending on the day. Unless youre dish who stays an extra hour to three more hours cleaning up by yourself. Well i make the mistake of showing up anyway. I get back to the pit and immediately feel as bad as I did the previous night and with my vision constantly blurry I sat down alot. After almost 5 hours of this my boss finally asks why I seem mad with him, I said he pretty much guilted me into coming in and I felt like i was going to pass out constantly. He told me, in a genuinely nice way, that if I felt that bad I could go home. I say okay, grab my stuff and leave. I get home and after a few hours my longtime friend text me asking to come over. I say sure since hes on vactation and havent seen him in over a week. He comes over and tells me how he went over to work and couple hours after I left and mentions how everyone thinks I just walked out and that I probably wouldnt have a job next week. Just from the sheer hatred the staff had. Everyone except my boss at the least. And even if I still had a job there, why would I want to go back? Everyone except my friend and technically the boss were talking crap out their ass, and the two other employees who were going to play dnd unadded and blocked me before my friend came over. The whole place turned into despising me and everything about me, when the day before they were hyping me up to the new guy they just hired.

Tl;Dr I calles into work sick and was told to come in anyway. Eventually told I could leave and when i did everyone said i walked out and pretty much lost my job because everyone turned to hating me.

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