
Should I Lawyer Up?

Was told that my unemployment benefits are on hold due to a fact-finding query from the state unemployment office. My old manager told them that i was terminated due to misconduct. That I had poor performance and no skills and that I didn't work well with the team. I have evidence that is wholly inaccurate, including test scores and how they said I scored higher than any candidate on their skills test. Plus I have a quote from a team member saying that I was actually really great to work with. I'm starting to think I was laid off because I filed a complaint against my boss two days prior for going off on me when I asked her to please be patient regarding the status of a big web project that I was doing myself (because they wouldn't allocate people or a partner to help me with design or…

Was told that my unemployment benefits are on hold due to a fact-finding query from the state unemployment office. My old manager told them that i was terminated due to misconduct. That I had poor performance and no skills and that I didn't work well with the team. I have evidence that is wholly inaccurate, including test scores and how they said I scored higher than any candidate on their skills test. Plus I have a quote from a team member saying that I was actually really great to work with. I'm starting to think I was laid off because I filed a complaint against my boss two days prior for going off on me when I asked her to please be patient regarding the status of a big web project that I was doing myself (because they wouldn't allocate people or a partner to help me with design or copy, and was frequently pulled away to fix errors they created.). My friend who works HR for a completely different company says they're clearly trying to get out of paying unemployment.

Has anything similar happened to anyone else? What did you do? Should I cash in my measly retirement funds to lawyer up?

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