
I’m pretty sure my job has already started a rehiring process without even firing me first.

I often get sent 'job alerts' from Email Marketing lists I forget to unsubscribe to, so imagine my shock the other day when I saw my job was being advertised from my Employer. For the record, UK based, and still within my probation period at this role – so there's not a lot i can do about it. I've been off sick for over a month now as my doctors have been trying to diagnose me after a very sudden, scary sickness – I hadn't had more than 3 days off in a row for over 6 months (across different jobs too) and my body (quite literally) broke from all the stress I have been under. You know that thing that people say “If you don't take a break, your body will take one for you?” well that happened to me. After a bunch of different tests, I've finally been…

I often get sent 'job alerts' from Email Marketing lists I forget to unsubscribe to, so imagine my shock the other day when I saw my job was being advertised from my Employer.

For the record, UK based, and still within my probation period at this role – so there's not a lot i can do about it.

I've been off sick for over a month now as my doctors have been trying to diagnose me after a very sudden, scary sickness – I hadn't had more than 3 days off in a row for over 6 months (across different jobs too) and my body (quite literally) broke from all the stress I have been under. You know that thing that people say “If you don't take a break, your body will take one for you?” well that happened to me. After a bunch of different tests, I've finally been diagnosed and have been given medication to try and combat the symptoms. We are testing these tablets for two weeks before I return to work as my symptoms have been too severe to work with.

I've been updating HR a LOT, and regularly about everything. The medical issue at hand has been quite embarrassing for me so having to speak in detail with HR has been quite humiliating – I've been especially nervous as last time I was off ill, I had hurt my knee and the 'news' spread to every other department before I had even come back. So I don't want the news about this to have spread. In my last contact with HR, they said they would be extending my probationary period – which is fine and pretty standard when you're off for a long time during probation. But then that same afternoon, a job had been listed online for my exact role.

I can't help but feel like they're just preparing to let me go 'legally'. It's a shame. I started the job in May so a month off has been pretty dramatic, but I've been horribly, horribly, scary ill. Like, the doctors were checking me for cancer levels of sick. I feel like I worked well, I picked up the job pretty easy, I have always been nice, polite, and now I feel like I'm getting unfair dismissal legally due to the fact it's within my probation.

Oh well, I've started looking for other jobs now as I just can't afford to be unemployed. It sucks as once the symptoms are under control through meds, the chances of it flaring up on me again like it did then is pretty unlikely – but I think what's done is done and they're annoyed I was off for so long. We move.

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