I've been following all the antiwork posts and I'm in slightly different boat….my job has killed my motivation to the point where I can now get away with doing very little…this time last year I was highly motivated but then after a long time getting no recognition whilst others got promotions/payrises…I got nothing…my feedback was excellent so not job performance…and so I was left between a rock and a hard place..do I stay or do I go…
Now I'm working…no longer pushing myself…total opposite…and nobody has noticed and feedback just as good….I feel guilty for doing nothing but at same time the company has made me like this and still no payrise or anything I see them give to others
I feel burnt out and not energised from it all…it sounds like the dream but its not really…also I wfh and sometimes get out of bed late and take very long lunch breaks but by end of work day I'm completely depleted…..help…..