
Help! I feel massively exploited and I’m looking for options!

Hey everyone. Canadian dude here. I started at an HVAC company as a heat pump installer. I love the job, been doing it for a few years and just started with this company last month. The letter of offer they gave states my availability is from Monday – Friday from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm. Since I've stated working there, I worked about three 8 hour shifts. Every other shift I've worked has been in the 11-15 hour range. I'm writing this at the tail end of a 12 hour shift just today. My last paycheck had 103 hours on it. I collapse into bed every night. If I can feed myself, it's a plus. My muscles ache and spasm every night. My cat is being neglected, my friends are being neglected, my house is a mess because, you guessed it, neglected. They don't pay a nickel of overtime. Straight…

Hey everyone. Canadian dude here. I started at an HVAC company as a heat pump installer. I love the job, been doing it for a few years and just started with this company last month.

The letter of offer they gave states my availability is from Monday – Friday from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm.

Since I've stated working there, I worked about three 8 hour shifts. Every other shift I've worked has been in the 11-15 hour range. I'm writing this at the tail end of a 12 hour shift just today. My last paycheck had 103 hours on it.

I collapse into bed every night. If I can feed myself, it's a plus. My muscles ache and spasm every night. My cat is being neglected, my friends are being neglected, my house is a mess because, you guessed it, neglected.

They don't pay a nickel of overtime. Straight wage for every hour worked. It's not just me, they work all their employees like this and no one is happy. They've lost 3 or 4 people since I started last month.

First and foremost, I'm going to ask my employers to reduce my hours to a normal workload. I can't see them making any changes, but who friggin knows.

What should I do? I feel like I might be able to quit and still get employment insurance because the company is not honoring the terms that they hired me for (I have all of this documented). I'd like to reiterate that I'm Canadian.

Thanks for reading and any advice you can give!

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