First, let me start by saying that I am very much Pro-union. I have worked with some amazing ones, and some less than that. Either way, unions are a must.
I started this job a little over a year ago. On your first day, you apply with the union and they will deduct their dues from your paycheck each month. That's what I did, and what I thought they were doing.
This week, I got a call from the union office saying I had never been initiated into the union, and they have no record of me joining, or having filled out the application. They sent me a new one, but they want me to backpay the dues for the entire time I have worked at this job. I can understand if it was more recent, but to not notice for well over year, then want it all at once? All of my immediate supervisors agree I shouldn't have to. My local union rep said he would send out some emails and help fight for me, but his final answer was that I'll just have to talk to the dues office myself. I have zero issue paying my dues from here on out, but do I have to pay back all of that? Thank you.