
What can I say to HR to get them to accommodate my disability?

I work in a factory that is easing Covid restrictions. I overheard a co-worker mention that the company is going to be taking down the social distancing plexiglass barriers at the picnic tables where we eat. I asked my boss if they could leave the barriers up. I said that my doctor told me that my immune system is not functioning properly, due to an autoimmune condition. I said that I do not feel comfortable without the barriers because I can not wear my mask while eating. My boss said that is above his pay grade and I would need to talk to HR. What can I say when I talk with HR that will get them to leave the barriers up? HR and management has not been supportive or reacted well in the past when I have brought up concerns about Corona. I have not mentioned my immune condition…

I work in a factory that is easing Covid restrictions. I overheard a co-worker mention that the company is going to be taking down the social distancing plexiglass barriers at the picnic tables where we eat. I asked my boss if they could leave the barriers up. I said that my doctor told me that my immune system is not functioning properly, due to an autoimmune condition. I said that I do not feel comfortable without the barriers because I can not wear my mask while eating. My boss said that is above his pay grade and I would need to talk to HR. What can I say when I talk with HR that will get them to leave the barriers up? HR and management has not been supportive or reacted well in the past when I have brought up concerns about Corona. I have not mentioned my immune condition in the past because I figured it was none of their business, but I thought that maybe the outcome would be better if I mention it. Note the company says that they are easing the restrictions because we are because we are nearing the endemic stage. Forget the fact that the transmission rate in my area is still 4 times what is considered high transmission. They ended the mask mandate, but I still wear mine except when eating and drinking.

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