
Sent resume only to be asked to fill out paper application before interview.

I’d really like to know in the year of 2022 why some employers have people send in resumes, only to have you fill out a paper application. This mainly applies to food places. For instance, I had a job interview today at a restaurant. Mind you I put in the application and resume at this restaurant 6 months to a year ago. Anyways, I get there, and the manager ask me to fill out a paper application so I did, then when he started interviewing me he would mention or ask things that were clearly on the resume I sent him. I just want to understand why some places mainly food places do this cause it makes no sense to me.

I’d really like to know in the year of 2022 why some employers have people send in resumes, only to have you fill out a paper application. This mainly applies to food places.

For instance, I had a job interview today at a restaurant. Mind you I put in the application and resume at this restaurant 6 months to a year ago. Anyways, I get there, and the manager ask me to fill out a paper application so I did, then when he started interviewing me he would mention or ask things that were clearly on the resume I sent him. I just want to understand why some places mainly food places do this cause it makes no sense to me.

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