
The DL on job application personality tests

So I just saw a post on personality tests and I figured I would post a little story about them. Back when I was in high school I was looking for a job and the job market was a little rough at the time. I had a friend that worked at Albertsons (grocery store) and her mom also worked there. She told me to just “go in and take the test as many times as you want and just answer the questions as if you were the perfect little unicorn slave employee they want. I applied everyday for a month”. After I took the test repeatedly for a month or two and I finally got called for an interview during which I managed to get a good look at the results of the test and they used a scoring system. I scored a 92 before they even called me. There…

So I just saw a post on personality tests and I figured I would post a little story about them.

Back when I was in high school I was looking for a job and the job market was a little rough at the time. I had a friend that worked at Albertsons (grocery store) and her mom also worked there. She told me to just “go in and take the test as many times as you want and just answer the questions as if you were the perfect little unicorn slave employee they want. I applied everyday for a month”.

After I took the test repeatedly for a month or two and I finally got called for an interview during which I managed to get a good look at the results of the test and they used a scoring system. I scored a 92 before they even called me. There was a 3 color bar that goes red, yellow, then green. Green was 90-100% and I guess they wouldn't even try to interview someone if it's below that. Then it was 75-90% yellow and then red.

All the weird questions are trying to call out personality traits of a potentially undesirable employee. The more undesirable traits you have the lower the score. Her own mother couldn't hire her until she passed the test and she did the hiring. It's amazing how trashy these companies can treat their employees… even before hiring them.

I got the job but I hated it.

TL DR: It's a test. Answer the questions as if you were the employer looking for the perfect candidate. With a high enough of a score they will call you. In my case I kept taking the tests until I got an interview.

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