
I hate my job but can’t quit

Pretty self explanatory. I absolutely Loathe what I do I work in a call centre for a large internet service provider and I hate every single day I have to go to work and listen to so many awful people tell me how much they hate me and think I'm stupid I even had one woman tell me she wished I would get Cancer!!! It takes a toll and on top of this my bosses are always having a head over my shoulder watching every move I make listening to my calls and giving me criticism on all that I do so the last few weeks I've been having frequent days off and now I'm in danger of losing my ability to pay rent have food etc. I was homeless before I don't want to be again but good lord I hate every day of this job. Just a rant.

Pretty self explanatory. I absolutely Loathe what I do I work in a call centre for a large internet service provider and I hate every single day I have to go to work and listen to so many awful people tell me how much they hate me and think I'm stupid I even had one woman tell me she wished I would get Cancer!!! It takes a toll and on top of this my bosses are always having a head over my shoulder watching every move I make listening to my calls and giving me criticism on all that I do so the last few weeks I've been having frequent days off and now I'm in danger of losing my ability to pay rent have food etc. I was homeless before I don't want to be again but good lord I hate every day of this job. Just a rant.

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