
Just got insulted by my manager and a coworker

This job isn't the greatest, they promised me a raise in may when I finished my training and now their saying I may not get it til September because they don't have enough people to cover in order to do any training. And I officially got a confirmation from another manager from another store saying “we always say that, that's rite aid for you we use that slogan to hire newbies but we never say when they'll finish the training this making them stay for at least a year” Man, this broke my heart…I was beginning to like this company but the pay is so low, I'm reconsidering this job and looking for another. But what really got to me is this morning I come in to work and my other coworker and the pharmacist is there. I live close and I was scheduled to work morning, I love mornings…

This job isn't the greatest, they promised me a raise in may when I finished my training and now their saying I may not get it til September because they don't have enough people to cover in order to do any training. And I officially got a confirmation from another manager from another store saying
“we always say that, that's rite aid for you we use that slogan to hire newbies but we never say when they'll finish the training this making them stay for at least a year”
Man, this broke my heart…I was beginning to like this company but the pay is so low, I'm reconsidering this job and looking for another. But what really got to me is this morning I come in to work and my other coworker and the pharmacist is there. I live close and I was scheduled to work morning, I love mornings and this was the first morning shift I got on a long time. I am on the schedule to work it.
I come in and the coworker says “Hey can I forgot you work this morning is it ok if I stay and you close?” I was heated and I looked at the pharmacist and she looked dumbfounded, she didnt even stand up for me just stood there looking at me…”where do you live again” I asked the coworker “25 miles away”
I should have stayed and told her to duck off but I just turned around and left. I came into the later shift and I'm not talking to them aside work business. I feel like I just wanna walk out.

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