
AITA for not showing to my on call?

Soooo, a few weeks ago a family friend had asked if I could take her daughter back to her dad's house in Colorado. Her car has no AC and gets 20 mpg compared to my 40. She is legally required to bring her back today. I told her yes and looked at it more as a vacation rather than a favor. I got my shift covered from a friend and thought all was good. Well today my coworker mentioned to me I signed up for on call tomorrow. (They make you sign up for on call two months before so I forgot. Also they don't show it on the schedule) I informed management and coworkers that I would be showing up because I have a legal obligation to bring my “niece” home. They told me that I was required to find a cover and that I would get two call…

Soooo, a few weeks ago a family friend had asked if I could take her daughter back to her dad's house in Colorado. Her car has no AC and gets 20 mpg compared to my 40. She is legally required to bring her back today. I told her yes and looked at it more as a vacation rather than a favor.

I got my shift covered from a friend and thought all was good. Well today my coworker mentioned to me I signed up for on call tomorrow. (They make you sign up for on call two months before so I forgot. Also they don't show it on the schedule)

I informed management and coworkers that I would be showing up because I have a legal obligation to bring my “niece” home.

They told me that I was required to find a cover and that I would get two call ins and possibly be be fired for it if I didn't. My dad, who works with me, even made me feel bad for it.

I've asked everyone who can, and offered money. We'll find out in the morning. But after a beer I've decided that this job makes me fucking depressed and dread life. I'm so underpaid and undervalued I just don't feel the motivation to do a decent job at all. If I really got fired it would be a blessing less than a curse.

Am I the asshole for still taking my trip? Im literally on the verge of mental collapse and I feel one more shitty shift without a “vacation” will push me over the ledge.

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