
Why I don’t trust my managers

So this happened a few years ago but I felt the need to share (on mobile sorry) So when I (F31) was 22 I took on a second waitressing job so I'd actually have some spending money. So my friend recommended this place and the manager and I hit it off great. Had me ready to start that same week. The first day was weird but okay, had me come in early to learn the menu and how they do things before throwing me on the floor. I had been 'tested under fire before (though never at a restaurant) so I figured that's how they weeded out the employees. My next shift was Sat night. Within an hour we were slammed. Whole restaurant full of people and only 3 servers including newbie me. About another hour in I realized that the host had left and servers were just sitting people…

So this happened a few years ago but I felt the need to share (on mobile sorry)

So when I (F31) was 22 I took on a second waitressing job so I'd actually have some spending money. So my friend recommended this place and the manager and I hit it off great. Had me ready to start that same week.

The first day was weird but okay, had me come in early to learn the menu and how they do things before throwing me on the floor. I had been 'tested under fire before (though never at a restaurant) so I figured that's how they weeded out the employees. My next shift was Sat night. Within an hour we were slammed. Whole restaurant full of people and only 3 servers including newbie me. About another hour in I realized that the host had left and servers were just sitting people at random. So I went up to each table, got their drink order and food if they were ready and started giving the tickets to the appropriate server for those sections.

Then I started getting complaints because food was taking forever (over 45 minutes at this point for a burger). So I talk to the cook to figure out whats going on (during this time the manager and owner are sitting at the bar drinking and/or making drinks) and he tells me the other servers keep just tossing him the tickets so he's cooking in the order he finds them as opposed to when they were ordered. Okay it's not my job to organize this, instead everytime I take him a ticket I read it out to him and make sure the time is written on the ticket. So now my food is coming out consistently while the others are still behind.

My manager is not happy about this and tells me I should never talk to the cook, but by this point I had already asked the manager for help and he brushed me off. When one of the tables had been waiting 90min for their food they flagged me down (I have no idea where the other 2 servers disappeared to) and told me they wanted to cancel their meal, pay for the drinks and go. My manager tells me to ignore them because they will wait for their food. Of course this didn't go over well.

Near the end of my shift I have a table of mom, dad and daughter. The little girl had ordered some kiddy fruit drink and wanted a refill. I go to the owner to tell him what I need and my manager tells me not to talk to him. To tell him what I need so I do. A minute or two later there is the drink on the counter but it's in a different cup (like adult alcoholic beverage glass). I ask the owner if this is the drink for the little girl, I am ignored. I ask the manager if this is the drink for the girl and he says yes. I ask again and he tells me to take it.

So I take it to the table but ask the parents to try some of it first because I suspect it has alcohol. Sure enough it does. I take it back to the owner/bartender and ask for the correct drink. Mind you at this point I'm pretty much running the entire FOH of the restaurant and am buckling under all the orders I'm stuck with. The Manager immediately yells at me about talking to the owner (I learned later he doesn't speak english), threatens to call the police because I gave an alcoholic beverage to a child (which I didn't) and informed me that all the tips I had made that day would be turned over to the other 2 servers (which I learned later was his daughter and niece) for 'stealing' their tables.

I stood there for a full minute in straight shock. After which I changed back into my regular clothes, threw my uniform at my manager and left. They never paid me for my two days of work and, if I had known better, I would have gone after them any way I could.

But this is the reason I don't trust managers.

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