
Quit my warehouse job today

I quit my job today There is much to this. It’s not like I decided to not go. I worked at a warehouse Saturday, Sunday and Monday for three 12 hour shifts (never worked 12 hours) and was there for almost six months. The work was ok if it was steady. But the work was never steady. It’s always dead or swamped. My boss would send some of our crew home and/or into other areas in the building to work. Never failed that happened we were so swamped that we couldn’t keep up. Also we have to stay busy and keep our production rate up or we are in danger of being fired. This has begun stressing me out. I had a bully at work to boot. She was nice at first. However once she found out that she had started a month before me, she started bossing me around,…

I quit my job today

There is much to this. It’s not like I decided to not go.

I worked at a warehouse Saturday, Sunday and Monday for three 12 hour shifts (never worked 12 hours) and was there for almost six months. The work was ok if it was steady. But the work was never steady. It’s always dead or swamped. My boss would send some of our crew home and/or into other areas in the building to work. Never failed that happened we were so swamped that we couldn’t keep up.

Also we have to stay busy and keep our production rate up or we are in danger of being fired. This has begun stressing me out.

I had a bully at work to boot. She was nice at first. However once she found out that she had started a month before me, she started bossing me around, I had to move if she was walking my way, and she was constantly being sassy.

Yes I tried to get my boss to do something about it but I think it made things worse.

Yesterday was the absolute most horrible day I have had in a long time. It was a day where people were sent home or to other areas and we got swamped.

I tried to keep up. But it was impossible. Even asked the boss if he could get some help for us because I couldn’t keep up.

Within a span of about one hour this happened:
Of all people bully girl is sent back up to help.

Stupid bully girl comes back from working outside our area. She got me to receive a lecture from my boss because her area that she was going to work on was filled with freight that was to pass my way but I couldn’t keep up.

Bully girl comes up and asks if I have the reprint bar code to reprint a label. I do. She scanned it and didn’t even say thank you.

Another coworker whose bossy comes up and telling me to work certain freight since it’s the end of the day. Like I needed told.

We are required to sweep our area before leaving for the day. I swept a big meeting area that had tons of debris and got it into a pile to pick up. Put the dust broom up for a moment and grab the dust pan and regular broom. Bully girl comes and yells at me asking if I wasn’t going to sweep our aisle. Yes I was but I can’t do two things at once.

There were a couple things that happened after that but it was all little nitpicking.

The last straw was when I was almost done sweeping and my boss told me that I needed to clock out by 530 because management sent an email. It was 520. I wasn’t milking it!

I cried during my commute home. Then again when I got home. I slept like crap last night and at 2 this morning I decided I was not going back.

Go ahead and judge me. This has all been building up for months. It took yesterday to push me over the edge.

No I do not have a job lined up. I have begun applying today. Not smart I know but my mentality couldn’t take it.

*Also I should note that this bully wouldn’t quit because she has it way too good. Supposedly goes to pump milk for her nine month old every two hours. Her husband works there. And so does her aunt.

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