
Reported Sexual Harassment and Nothing Happened

You think this wouldn't happen in a civil service job… I have this real jerk coworker who just can't behave in a professional manner around women. One day he took a laser thermometer and pointed at the crotch of one of the female administrative assistants and said, “Wow, your hot”. While she is very attractive that is absolutely not acceptable behavior. She comes to my desk in tears. So I make a formal written complaint via email to the department that deals with sexual harassment and so forth. Two weeks later I get an email back saying that because I didn't not directly witness the event there will be no investigation. Jesus, I'm a guy and I'm fucking offended at who happened! And to top it all off he has been promoted to District Manager The Admin has since found another job in the private sector.

You think this wouldn't happen in a civil service job…

I have this real jerk coworker who just can't behave in a professional manner around women. One day he took a laser thermometer and pointed at the crotch of one of the female administrative assistants and said, “Wow, your hot”. While she is very attractive that is absolutely not acceptable behavior. She comes to my desk in tears. So I make a formal written complaint via email to the department that deals with sexual harassment and so forth.

Two weeks later I get an email back saying that because I didn't not directly witness the event there will be no investigation. Jesus, I'm a guy and I'm fucking offended at who happened! And to top it all off he has been promoted to District Manager

The Admin has since found another job in the private sector.

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