
How long can an employer withhold my paycheck?

I’m currently working as a temporary (one month) employee at a university in Texas. My last day is Wednesday, and I have not received a paycheck. HR keeps giving me different excuses, and rejecting all the paperwork/time sheets my supervisor and my supervisor’s boss sends to them. HR has given me at least three different dates I would get paid, but hasn’t paid me on any of them. I was told I would get paid tomorrow, but my supervisor just forwarded me an email that my payroll was denied again… What can I do at this point? I’m strapped for cash and have been without any income for a month now.

I’m currently working as a temporary (one month) employee at a university in Texas. My last day is Wednesday, and I have not received a paycheck. HR keeps giving me different excuses, and rejecting all the paperwork/time sheets my supervisor and my supervisor’s boss sends to them. HR has given me at least three different dates I would get paid, but hasn’t paid me on any of them.

I was told I would get paid tomorrow, but my supervisor just forwarded me an email that my payroll was denied again…

What can I do at this point? I’m strapped for cash and have been without any income for a month now.

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