
Boss decided to open and tried to put me on the schedule for a holiday without telling me. I’m taking the high road by bothering to tell them I won’t be there.

So, for a little backstory, I work in a restaurant to pay the bills while I'm getting my education back on track. I live in an area where Mardi Gras is considered a big deal, with parades going on for weeks. This all leads to one final day, Fat Tuesday, which is the finale of the season and generally a big deal. The restaurant is closed on Tuesdays, and I've been told several times by my manager that we would not be making an exception. I made plans with multiple friends from out of town that day and set them in motion a few days ago. Today, the regional manager decided to change course and open, and I was thrown on the schedule without being consulted less than a week before the holiday. I regularly stay late or come in on my day off because I actually like working there…

So, for a little backstory, I work in a restaurant to pay the bills while I'm getting my education back on track. I live in an area where Mardi Gras is considered a big deal, with parades going on for weeks. This all leads to one final day, Fat Tuesday, which is the finale of the season and generally a big deal. The restaurant is closed on Tuesdays, and I've been told several times by my manager that we would not be making an exception. I made plans with multiple friends from out of town that day and set them in motion a few days ago.

Today, the regional manager decided to change course and open, and I was thrown on the schedule without being consulted less than a week before the holiday. I regularly stay late or come in on my day off because I actually like working there and want to make sure that I'm being a good coworker to the other staff, and yet I don't get so much as a text message asking if I'm ok with coming in on a holiday (that we are supposed to be closed for) or even letting me know that things have changed. I've made it very clear that I can quickly go back to my old industry and literally make 5-6x what I make now, but I don't because that industry is notorious for not giving a shit about it's employees or their time. At this point, I don't know if I'm being an asshole for leaving my coworkers hanging or if I'm doing the right thing by standing my ground since I have the luxury of a really good backup plan. The thing is, I actually like my manager as a person, but I don't have it in me to keep busting my ass just to be disrespected as soon as respecting me becomes slightly inconvenient for her.

Thanks for letting me vent.

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