
The failure of my bootstraps

As a kid from a working class family, I asked how to get ahead in this world. You have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, be educated they said. So instead of being a cheerleader I read every book I could. When I graduated high school I asked how to get ahead. Go to college they said. So I joined the Army because they said they’d pay when my parents would not. When I left the Army I asked how to get ahead. Get a 4 year degree, that is so much better than a trade school they said. So I graduated cum laude with a B.A. When my first job after college paid me $10 an hour for a job in my field at a newspaper I asked how to get ahead. Get a better job, they said. So I landed a federally funded job with good benefits.…

As a kid from a working class family, I asked how to get ahead in this world. You have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, be educated they said. So instead of being a cheerleader I read every book I could.

When I graduated high school I asked how to get ahead. Go to college they said. So I joined the Army because they said they’d pay when my parents would not.

When I left the Army I asked how to get ahead. Get a 4 year degree, that is so much better than a trade school they said. So I graduated cum laude with a B.A.

When my first job after college paid me $10 an hour for a job in my field at a newspaper I asked how to get ahead. Get a better job, they said. So I landed a federally funded job with good benefits.

When I was laid off from the federally funded job due to Bush-era spending cuts I asked how to get ahead. You can’t get anywhere with just a bachelor’s degree they said. So I took out loans and went to law school. Everyone will hire you even if you don’t practice law they said!

When I asked my firm for a raise year after year because I was being crushed by my student loans, we can’t afford to pay you more than $50,00 a year they said.

When I was laid off from my law job after 7 years ironically because the economy was doing so well (I was a bankruptcy attorney), I asked how to get ahead. Open your own firm they said.

When I didn’t have any money to open my own firm and was suffering burnout I asked how to get ahead. The market for attorneys is over saturated they said.

When no one wanted to hire an over-educated person with critical thinking skills, I asked how to get ahead. Choose something you love and the money will come they said.

When I asked why I wasn’t getting raises or promotions at the job I loved, you’re not a subservient team player they said.

When I got laid off from the job I loved due to the pandemic I asked how to get ahead. Get any job, you must be lazy they said.

When I presented my resume to employers and asked how do I get ahead? You are over qualified they said.

And when I sat depressed and demoralized in my late 40s on unemployment, I asked how to get ahead. You must not have pulled yourself up by your bootstraps they said.

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