
One day off in two weeks

Bit of a long one so tl;dr at the end. I work as a housekeeper for a busy hotel in the UK and when I got the job I told them I want to work part time. The person who interviewed me, now my boss, said she was looking for someone to work mostly weekends with a few weekdays here and there as needed. I said that's perfect and it started out great. It is by far the most physically demanding job I've ever had but I work by myself, I can listen to music, and I leave when I'm done. With the mental health issues I deal with, it's a pretty great gig. But part time quickly turned into full time because of short staffing. Five days a week, 7 hour days with one 20 minute break and that's if I take it. Granted, I don't usually because that's…

Bit of a long one so tl;dr at the end.

I work as a housekeeper for a busy hotel in the UK and when I got the job I told them I want to work part time. The person who interviewed me, now my boss, said she was looking for someone to work mostly weekends with a few weekdays here and there as needed. I said that's perfect and it started out great. It is by far the most physically demanding job I've ever had but I work by myself, I can listen to music, and I leave when I'm done. With the mental health issues I deal with, it's a pretty great gig.

But part time quickly turned into full time because of short staffing. Five days a week, 7 hour days with one 20 minute break and that's if I take it. Granted, I don't usually because that's a room I could be working on. I admit that is my fault, but I just go at my own pace. After first week and having the next schedule come out, I told my boss I want to only work four days a week. She said there was one more five day week and then ill be going down to four. I said thats great and went on with my job.

Well. This week's schedule just got posted and I'm working six days straight. And guess who's on vacation and won't be reachable. I've been having split days off and today was my only day off this week so I was hoping I'd be off tomorrow as well in order to rest more. Nope. I work through to next Thursday. Our weeks go Friday to Friday and my last day off before today was Saturday. 14 days with 1 day off. I texted my supervisor asking if there was a mistake because I'm supposed to only be working 4 days. She said that our boss made the schedule before she went on holiday and there was nothing she could do to change it. I then asked if there's a day she can give me off to please let me know. She said she can't because we're short staffed.

I feel like I just got fucked over. I'm exhausted. My body is fatigued and everyday feels like I'm doing a hard workout at the gym. And I'm positive that they won't give me a lighter work load just because I'm working more than anyone else. I'm sure I'll have a full list of rooms that will keep me at work for a full day. If I didn't have bills to pay I would absolutely quit because I refuse to sacrifice my mental and physical health for a job. But unfortunately I was already struggling to get hired and this was the only job I could get a response from due to the current market. Please excuse me while I have my own little pity party and go cry.

Tl;Dr: got schedule for 6 days straight after being told I was going down to 4 days a week. Now I have only one day off in two weeks to rest and recuperate and live my life.

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