
Putting in my two weeks notice has easily been one of the most stressful situations I’ve put myself in.

I work a career type job so I feel a certain urge to play with the BS professionalism. It's kind of biting me in the ass. I have a really good opportunity that I've taken, and I put in my two weeks notice and all of a sudden it feels like I'm in the matrix. Formerly friendly coworkers turning into smith agents, running reconnaissance on me, constant begging for me to stay, counter offers, being forced to sit in the president's office for hours while he makes excuses for the management while trying to get me to stay. And I can't trust or feel good about any of it because I've thrown down the gauntlet. I am a pillar worker, they kept throwing things at me and that's why I'm leaving, and now they're getting upset that the pillars are giving way. It's awful, these are going to be the…

I work a career type job so I feel a certain urge to play with the BS professionalism. It's kind of biting me in the ass. I have a really good opportunity that I've taken, and I put in my two weeks notice and all of a sudden it feels like I'm in the matrix. Formerly friendly coworkers turning into smith agents, running reconnaissance on me, constant begging for me to stay, counter offers, being forced to sit in the president's office for hours while he makes excuses for the management while trying to get me to stay. And I can't trust or feel good about any of it because I've thrown down the gauntlet.

I am a pillar worker, they kept throwing things at me and that's why I'm leaving, and now they're getting upset that the pillars are giving way.

It's awful, these are going to be the most awful 8 days of my life and I don't think I'm going to feel better until I walk into the new place. I'm a highly anxious person and it was bad enough having to walk into a room and tell everyone face to face out of respect.

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