
People quit managers, not jobs

This is a sentiment I've seen recently but have been experiencing firsts hand. Originally I saw this factoid in a documentary or something of the such but it went like this in regards to places with a high turnover ; ” it's not the job people are quitting, but the manager themselves” As I still work here for the time being I will keep some privacy, but I work in a virtual reality arcade (at its base core) and have been here essentially since opening. Of the original staff of 15 only 6 remain, and there's been more turnover of replacement employees replacing replacement employees of the original cast. Since I was promoted a month ago, I've seen 2 people leave. I want to add I enjoy where I'm working, but don't enjoy how I feel when I'm working. In short the manager ins unattentive and will deligate her tasks…

This is a sentiment I've seen recently but have been experiencing firsts hand. Originally I saw this factoid in a documentary or something of the such but it went like this in regards to places with a high turnover ; ” it's not the job people are quitting, but the manager themselves”
As I still work here for the time being I will keep some privacy, but I work in a virtual reality arcade (at its base core) and have been here essentially since opening. Of the original staff of 15 only 6 remain, and there's been more turnover of replacement employees replacing replacement employees of the original cast. Since I was promoted a month ago, I've seen 2 people leave.
I want to add I enjoy where I'm working, but don't enjoy how I feel when I'm working. In short the manager ins unattentive and will deligate her tasks to others, ie the leads, or anyone willing to do it, when upset customers ask for the manager she will say, tell them I'm not here, and overall not give any support, help, or training – the last of which has caused me trouble.
I'm a kinesthetic learner which basically means I learn by doing, and I have not worked with my management based on her scheduling, regardless of that fact Even after a conference call with the district manager, she has yet to properly train me. Needless to add I've been the proprietary person to train new hires before she throws them into the heat of the position.
Essentially a workplace can be made or broken by the manager. If a place has high turnover even if their sales and review scores are good. They may not be a morally good manager, especially when the employee turnover is 80%
Needless to say, this type of manager creates a toxic work environment and I've already started looking for a new job elsewhere. Noone should have to take the heat or response for a manager especially if they're present.

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