
Female Managers

As a female, I have had issues with both genders obviously but I find females are especially batshit when they are in certain positions and too many times I've seen them bully younger females. They also tend to boast about weird shit. I had a manager who would always say she's an empath. I'm not saying empaths aren't real, I'm just saying I don't think being a fucking terrible person is the definition of empath. She would use this to make you feel bad if….you…felt….bad?? If someone came into work and was upset about something in their personal life or felt unwell or had pain or something, she would say that their energy was draining her and they should keep their shit to themselves cause it's affecting her. Another manager would always tell me she was a psychologist and try to counsel me and diagnose others based on minimal interactions.…

As a female, I have had issues with both genders obviously but I find females are especially batshit when they are in certain positions and too many times I've seen them bully younger females. They also tend to boast about weird shit. I had a manager who would always say she's an empath. I'm not saying empaths aren't real, I'm just saying I don't think being a fucking terrible person is the definition of empath. She would use this to make you feel bad if….you…felt….bad?? If someone came into work and was upset about something in their personal life or felt unwell or had pain or something, she would say that their energy was draining her and they should keep their shit to themselves cause it's affecting her. Another manager would always tell me she was a psychologist and try to counsel me and diagnose others based on minimal interactions. I found it weird because I thought it was apparent to her she was a receptionist and not a psychologist, at least by trade. I'm also fairly certain mental health professionals would caution against that behavior.

What are some differences you've noticed between female and male managers and do you feel your gender affects how they treat you? I feel like male managers can be awful to other males and then super soft on females.

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