
I got suspended for using my phone 1 min before clocking out

This happened back when I was a teen working a summer job. My job had a very strict no phones policy, they were not allowed in sight while on the clock. They also had a very strict clocking in and out policy. You could not clock in a minute late or clock out a minute early. You also were only allowed to clock in 6 min prior to your shift and must clock out before 6 min passed after your shift. Because god forbid you clock in early and they have to pay you more. At work one day our entire staff was finished with all our nightly duties and we were standing in line to clock out. Everything was finished, there was no work left to be done. We just had to wait until 5:00 hit. I thought it would be a fine time to take my phone out…

This happened back when I was a teen working a summer job. My job had a very strict no phones policy, they were not allowed in sight while on the clock. They also had a very strict clocking in and out policy. You could not clock in a minute late or clock out a minute early. You also were only allowed to clock in 6 min prior to your shift and must clock out before 6 min passed after your shift. Because god forbid you clock in early and they have to pay you more.

At work one day our entire staff was finished with all our nightly duties and we were standing in line to clock out. Everything was finished, there was no work left to be done. We just had to wait until 5:00 hit. I thought it would be a fine time to take my phone out at 4:59 to take a selfie of our staff together. Right as I’m doing this my boss steps in. He says nothing this whole time and we clock out and go home.

The next day he calls me and tells me after I clock out he wants me to come to his office. Mind you I am off the clock and his office is in another building. When I get there he tells me I’m suspended for the rest of the week for using my phone on the clock. I was going to lose 10 hours of overtime pay because of this.

I knew this was ridiculous when it happened but now that I’m not a teen and know better I can’t believe I stayed at this job for the pathetic $3000 it got me over the course of the entire summer. I ask myself why did I even agree to his office off the clock in a different building. Why did they have such a ridiculous clocking time policy and why they had a late policy where if you’re 1 min late you get written up and possibly suspended. Thank god Im no longer there and I feel sorry for those that are.

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