
I hate working and I want to quit so bad..

I’m 22 and I make 21 an hour but I hate going to work honestly. I know it’s just probably me being lazy but I just don’t understand why I have to go in order to literally survive.. I don’t know what I can do to change my mindset or something. How are there people who love going to work? HOW??! How can I get in that mentality most people are in? I want to not dread going in to work every morning. Feels like I’m stuck in a loop of some sort idk. I feel so lost man. Like why do we have to work till we die? Why is that the norm? If I have about 60-80 years on earth if I’m lucky why does a fraction of that have to be spent working when I don’t wanna? Like it feels unfair to me. Im going to die…

I’m 22 and I make 21 an hour but I hate going to work honestly. I know it’s just probably me being lazy but I just don’t understand why I have to go in order to literally survive.. I don’t know what I can do to change my mindset or something. How are there people who love going to work? HOW??! How can I get in that mentality most people are in? I want to not dread going in to work every morning. Feels like I’m stuck in a loop of some sort idk. I feel so lost man. Like why do we have to work till we die? Why is that the norm? If I have about 60-80 years on earth if I’m lucky why does a fraction of that have to be spent working when I don’t wanna? Like it feels unfair to me. Im going to die in the end so why does any of it matter? Am I out my mind for thinking like this? If I’m in the wrong what can I do to stop thinking this way?

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