
want to quit but need money

The job that I have now isn't all that bad but I am not making enough money. I work as much as I can and pick up as many extra shifts as I can but I still am not making enough to live off of. I was wanting to look for a different job with higher pay but I am not qualified for any. I have a high school diploma and have done some college (no degree) but all of the jobs that i am qualified for are like Walmart/McDonald's (my job is better than both.) Because of how many hours I work I don't think getting a second job would be beneficial, I would only be able to work two days for the second(I only have 2 days of a week.) TL;DR I would like to find a way to be able to make a little bit more money…

The job that I have now isn't all that bad but I am not making enough money. I work as much as I can and pick up as many extra shifts as I can but I still am not making enough to live off of. I was wanting to look for a different job with higher pay but I am not qualified for any. I have a high school diploma and have done some college (no degree) but all of the jobs that i am qualified for are like Walmart/McDonald's (my job is better than both.) Because of how many hours I work I don't think getting a second job would be beneficial, I would only be able to work two days for the second(I only have 2 days of a week.)

TL;DR I would like to find a way to be able to make a little bit more money monthly without a real second job.

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