
What’s your vision of a workless society?

It’s been great to see so many people joining this sub, but it’s been a long time since I’ve seen true antiwork conversation about what it would look like to live in a society that’s completely done away with working as we know it – that is, a society where no one spends most of their lives performing labor they have no desire to perform. So what does a society like this look like to you? What are the key features? What are the questions you still have about how a society like this would function?

It’s been great to see so many people joining this sub, but it’s been a long time since I’ve seen true antiwork conversation about what it would look like to live in a society that’s completely done away with working as we know it – that is, a society where no one spends most of their lives performing labor they have no desire to perform.

So what does a society like this look like to you? What are the key features? What are the questions you still have about how a society like this would function?

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