So long story short. Im currently going through a divorce. I took a weekend off from work to go out of town and was scheduled to work overnight sunday for monday. I cut my trip early to make it back in time to get some rest and showed up as scheduled. On the drive down i felt like i was getting sick and when i went to work i knee i was sick. Incould hear it in my voice i was cold but stuck it out for about 5 hours and ended up leaving early. I went to the dr that day and they told me to take 2 days off. I called my manager to notify him and he told me to rest up. Well the next day i get a call from my ex and daughter , they were arguing before she dropped them off at school and i could hear her sobbing. Told my ex to drop her off with me instead so she could have some time to compose herself before i took her to school. Ended up talking to the ex later and she was tellingvme how she wants to call the attorneys to pretty much give me custody of my oldest. I told her id ask to take the rest of the week off to stay with her and figure out what to do afterwards. Well ended up calling my manager to notify him of what was going on and he said the easiest thing to do as of right now was to take the week off and he would see what he could do to help me out (which honestly seemed like he wasnt going to try.) Well fast forward he calls me at midnight asking if i was going to make it in today and i told him he said to take the week off. He said he wish i wouldve told him that i was going to actually do it cause now he has to go in on his day off to do some tasks that need to be completed daily. He even said at my daughters age i should just leave her at the house by herself and take a lunch to drop her off at school. Sorry but i get shes a preteen but with no way to get a hold of her im not comfortable with that. Like im tired if this shit. Im not even a manager but all my higher ups hold me to that standard cause i used to be in management. When im there this guy does absolutely nothing cause i have all his things completed before he even sets foot into our workplace. Literally walks around all day helping other departments out and joking with other management. I care more about situating my personal life first cause ive given my all to this damn company staying late, working early having to deal with doing stuff solo when other people call in cause their drunk and shit. I have no schooling but i get paid pretty well which is the only reason ive been there for 15 years. Sorry for venting but i feel like im being forced to choose between kids and work.